
Every once in a while, something comes along that totally changes the norm in the way we practice dentistry. We believe the Helping Hand Retractor is one of those items. The Helping Hand Retractor was designed by a Biomedical Engineer and a Prosthodontist for the purpose of patient comfort as well as giving the patient overall control of the oral retractor and giving the dentist a greater opening.

Video Introduction

Video Testimonials

Video Tutorial

Patient Testimonial

Dr. Crispin,

When my jaw muscle cramped after my appointment on April 4, 2018 it took until April 10 until I was able to easily bring my teeth together on the right side and chew without substatial pain. On April 11, the pain was still there but not as severe when I closed my mouth completely. During my appointment on that same day, I used the Helping Hand. After my appointment, the pain was gone when I clenched my teeth. I think the Helping Hand helped stretch the muscles that had been cramping.

-Dennis Lunder